martin george r.r
Depuis des temps immémoriaux, les volcryns traversent la galaxie. Personne ne sait d'où ils viennent, où ils se rendent... ni même ce qu'ils sont vraiment. Karoly d'Branin est bien décidé à percer ce mystère en lançant une expédition scientifique. Mais à bord de son vaisseau, les tensions s'accumulent très vite et une menace sourde glace ses participants...
Après Game of Thrones, Nigthflyers est la nouvelle série adaptée de George R. R. Martin, un thriller spatial saisissant. Cet ouvrage propose de redécouvrir ce roman (prix Analog et Locus), accompagné par cinq nouvelles, et notamment le chef-d'oeuvre « Une chanson pour Lya ».
« J'ai senti cette chose dès mon arrivée à bord. Et cela empire. Cela me poursuit dans mes rêves. Il y a quelque chose de dangereux et d'étranger, Karoly, d'étranger ! »
Quand Dirk T'Larien reçoit le joyau-qui-murmure, des souvenirs douloureux ressurgissent. Il se demande pourquoi son amour perdu, la belle Gwen, fait ainsi appel à lui si longtemps après leur rupture. Espérant renouer avec elle, il embarque sur le premier vaisseau à destination de Worlorn pour arracher Gwen aux violents chevaliers Kavalars.
Le Trône de Fer - L'intégrale 3 illustrée
George R.R. Martin
- Pygmalion
- Imaginaire
- 23 Octobre 2024
- 9782080427137
La paix du royaume des Sept Couronnes est menacée par les forces obscures réunies au pied du mur de protection au nord du pays, ainsi que par la propagation du mal au sud. Prix Locus 1997.
Découvrez en VO les aventures de DUNK au royaume de WESTEROS, avec des traductions en marge pour vous aider à bien comprendre le texte original. Dunk, jeune écuyer revêt les armeset l'armure de son ancien maître, qui vient de mourir, pour participer à sa place à un grand tournoi sous le nom de ser Duncan le Grand. En chemin, il rencontre un jeune garçon insolent surnommé « l'Oeuf » et le prend à son service. Dunk va s'attirer de graves ennuis en intervenant alors qu'Aerion le flamboyant, neveu de Baelor, s'en prend violemment à une marionnettiste. Ayant frappé un prince de sang, il ne doit la vie sauve qu'à l'intervention de « l'Oeuf », qui se révèle être bien plus qu'il n'y paraissait.
Niveau faux débutants -
Dans l'une des dernières villes souterraines d'un monde à l'agonie, le jeune Annelyn vit une existence de privilégié. Jusqu'au jour où le Viandard, un vulgaire chasseur de grouns, l'humilie publiquement. L'affront ne peut rester impuni. Avec quelques-uns de ses amis de haute naissance, Annelyn ourdit une vengeance qui le mènera au plus profond des ruines de la cité. Et ce qu'il y trouvera dépasse de loin tout ce qu'il aurait pu imaginer...
Mississippi, 1857. Joshua York, armateur aux allures de dandy gothique, offre des fonds illimités pour faire construire le navire le plus rapide et le plus somptueux que le fleuve ait jamais connu. En échange de quoi il exige de rester maître des horaires et des destinations, et surtout qu'on ne le dérange sous aucun prétexte dans sa cabine hermétiquement close, dont il ne sort qu'une fois la nuit tombée. Voilà enfin l'occasion qu'attendait le capitaine Marsh, vieux loup de rivière aux proportions gargantuesques, pour relancer sa compagnie en perte de vitesse. Mais bientôt, une vague de meurtres ensanglante le sillage du Rêve de Fevre...
George R.R. Martin
- Harper Collins Uk
- 1 Septembre 2011
- 9780007447831
HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A CLASH OF KINGS is the second volume in the series.
L'ère du dragon : l'histoire des Targaryen
Linda Antonsson, Elio Garcia, George R.R. Martin
- Huginn & Muninn
- 28 Octobre 2022
- 9782364808737
Entre grandeur et folie, voici enfin racontée l'histoire de la dynastie Targaryen, la famille la plus puissante des Sept Royaumes. Pendant des siècles, les Targaryen ont gouverné les terres de Westeros tandis que leurs dragons en possédaient les cieux. Dans cet ouvrage illustré de plus de 150 oeuvres réalisées par les plus grands maîtres de la fantasy, George R. R. Martin narre le règne de ce clan, depuis la conquête des Sept Royaumes par Aegon Targaryen jusqu'à la guerre civile connue sous le nom de « Danse des Dragons ». Un âge tissé d'alliances et de trahisons, teinté de courage et de lâcheté. Un livre indispensable pour tous les fidèles lecteurs de la saga Game of Thrones, et tous ceux qui ont découvert cet incroyable univers grâce aux séries HBO.
George R.R. Martin
- Harper Collins Uk
- 1 Septembre 2011
- 9780007447862
HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A FEAST FOR CROWS is the fourth volume in the series.
George R.R. Martin
- Harper Collins Uk
- 12 Juillet 2022
- 9780008563783
Set centuries before the events in A Song of Ice and Fire,FIRE AND BLOOD is the definitive history of the Targaryens in Westerosas told by Archmaester Gyldayn, chronicling the conquest that united the Seven Kingdoms under Targaryen rule through to the Dance of the Dragons: the Targaryen civil war that nearly ended their dynasty forever.
The thrilling history of the Targaryens comes to life in this masterly work by the author of A Song of Ice and Fire, the inspiration for HBO''s Game of Thrones .
With all the fire and fury fans have come to expect from internationally bestselling author George R.R. Martin, this is the first volume of the definitive two-part history of the Targaryens in Westeros.
Centuries before the events of A Game of Thrones , House Targaryen - the only family of dragonlords to survive the Doom of Valyria - took up residence on Dragonstone. Fire and Blood begins their tale with the legendary Aegon the Conqueror, creator of the Iron Throne, and goes on to recount the generations of Targaryens who fought to hold that iconic seat, all the way up to the civil war that nearly tore their dynasty apart.
What really happened during the Dance of the Dragons? Why was it so deadly to visit Valyria after the Doom? What were Maegor the Cruel''s worst crimes? What was it like in Westeros when dragons ruled the skies? These are but a few of the questions answered in this essential chronicle, as related by a learned maester of the Citadel, and featuring more than eighty all-new black-and-white illustrations by artist Doug Wheatley.
With all the scope and grandeur of Gibbon''s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire , Fire and Blood is the ultimate game of thrones, giving readers a whole new appreciation for the dynamic, often bloody, and always fascinating history of Westeros. -
"D'un blanc cristallin, ce blanc dur et froid, presque bleu, le dragon de glace était couvert de givre ; quand il se déplaçait, sa peau se craquelait telle la croûte de neige sous les bottes d'un marcheur et des paillettes de glace en tombaient. Il avait des yeux clairs, profonds, glacés. Il avait des glaçons pour dents, trois rangées de lances inégales, blanches dans la caverne bleue de sa bouche. S'il battait des ailes, la bise se levait, la neige voltigeait, tourbillonnait, le monde se recroquevillait, frissonnait. S'il ouvrait sa vaste gueule pour souffler, il n'en jaillissait pas le feu à la puanteur sulfureuse des dragons inférieurs. Le dragon de glace soufflait du froid." Ce recueil contient notamment L'Homme en forme de poire, prix Bram Stoker et Portrait de Famille, prix Nebula.
Un mystérieux artefact qui permet de changer de corps... au prix d'un sacrifice terrible. Une étrange auberge où l'on croise de curieux voyageurs... mais où personne n'est ce qu'il prétend être. Des enlèvements inexpliqués... Une ancienne petite amie un peu trop envahissante... Une lutte entre le Bien et le Mal digne des meilleurs pulps des années 1950... Les nouvelles de George R. R. Martin sont autant de redoutables récits à l'écriture implacable, où se côtoient horreur, fantastique et science-fiction. Contient « Le Régime du singe », prix Locus.
Nightflyers and other stories tv tie-in
George R.R. Martin
- Harper Collins Uk
- 20 Janvier 2019
- 9780008296117
A Game of Thrones 5 - Book Boxed Set (Song of Ice and Fire Series) US Edition
George R.R. Martin
- Random House Us
- 29 Octobre 2013
- 9780345535528
Perfect for fans of HBOs Game of Thrones --a boxed set featuring the first five novels! An immersive entertainment experience unlike any other, A Song of Ice and Fire has earned George R. R. Martin--dubbed the American Tolkien by Time magazine--international acclaim and millions of loyal readers. Now here is the entire monumental cycle: A GAME OF THRONES A CLASH OF KINGS A STORM OF SWORDS A FEAST FOR CROWS A DANCE WITH DRAGONS One of the best series in the history of fantasy.-- Los Angeles Times Winter is coming. Such is the stern motto of House Stark, the northernmost of the fiefdoms that owe allegiance to King Robert Baratheon in far-off Kings Landing. There Eddard Stark of Winterfell rules in Roberts name. There his family dwells in peace and comfort: his proud wife, Catelyn; his sons Robb, Brandon, and Rickon; his daughters Sansa and Arya; and his bastard son, Jon Snow. Far to the north, behind the towering Wall, lie savage Wildings and worse--unnatural things relegated to myth during the centuries-long summer, but proving all too real and all too deadly in the turning of the season. Yet a more immediate threat lurks to the south, where Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, has died under mysterious circumstances. Now Robert is riding north to Winterfell, bringing his queen, the lovely but cold Cersei, his son, the cruel, vainglorious Prince Joffrey, and the queens brothers Jaime and Tyrion of the powerful and wealthy House Lannister--the first a swordsman without equal, the second a dwarf whose stunted stature belies a brilliant mind. All are heading for Winterfell and a fateful encounter that will change the course of kingdoms. Meanwhile, across the Narrow Sea, Prince Viserys, heir of the fallen House Targaryen, which once ruled all of Westeros, schemes to reclaim the throne with an army of barbarian Dothraki--whose loyalty he will purchase in the only coin left to him: his beautiful yet innocent sister, Daenerys. Long live George Martin . . . a literary dervish, enthralled by complicated characters and vivid language, and bursting with the wild vision of the very best tale tellers. --The New York Times
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The thrilling history of the Targaryens comes to life in this masterly work, the inspiration for HBOs upcoming Game of Thrones prequel series House of the Dragon The thrill of Fire & Blood is the thrill of all Martins fantasy work: familiar myths debunked, the whole trope table flipped.-- Entertainment Weekly Centuries before the events of A Game of Thrones, House Targaryen--the only family of dragonlords to survive the Doom of Valyria--took up residence on Dragonstone. Fire & Blood begins their tale with the legendary Aegon the Conqueror, creator of the Iron Throne, and goes on to recount the generations of Targaryens who fought to hold that iconic seat, all the way up to the civil war that nearly tore their dynasty apart. What really happened during the Dance of the Dragons? Why was it so deadly to visit Valyria after the Doom? What were Maegor the Cruels worst crimes? What was it like in Westeros when dragons ruled the skies? These are but a few of the questions answered in this essential chronicle, as related by a learned maester of the Citadel and featuring more than eighty all-new black-and-white illustrations by artist Doug Wheatley--including five all-new illustrations exclusive to this edition. Readers have glimpsed small parts of this narrative in such volumes as The World of Ice & Fire, but now, for the first time, the full tapestry of Targaryen history is revealed. With all the scope and grandeur of Gibbons The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Fire & Blood is the the first volume of the definitive two-part history of the Targaryens, giving readers a whole new appreciation for the dynamic, often bloody, and always fascinating history of Westeros. Praise for Fire & Blood A masterpiece of popular historical fiction. -- The Sunday Times The saga is a rich and dark one, full of both the titles promised elements. . . . Its hard not to thrill to the descriptions of dragons engaging in airborne combat, or the dilemma of whether defeated rulers should bend the knee, take the black and join the Nights Watch, or simply meet an inventive and horrible end. -- The Guardian
Songs of the dying earth
George R R Martin, Gardner Dozois
- Harper Collins Uk
- 15 Octobre 2011
- 9780007277490
Return to the unique and evocative world of The Dying Earth in this tribute anthology featuring the most distinguished fantasists of our day. Here are twenty-two brand-new adventures set in the world of Jack Vance's greatest novel.
Fire and blood: 300 years before a game of thrones (a targaryen history)
George R.R. Martin
- Harper Collins Uk
- 17 Novembre 2018
- 9780008307738
THE INSPIRATION FOR HBO AND SKY''S HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Centuries before A Game of Thrones, an even greater game began, one that set the skies alight with dragon flame and saw the Seven Kingdoms turned to ash.
The thrilling history of the Targaryens comes to life in George R.R. Martin''s FIRE & BLOOD.
The thrilling history of the Targaryens comes to life in this masterly work by the author of A Song of Ice and Fire, the inspiration for HBO''s Game of Thrones.
With all the fire and fury fans have come to expect from internationally bestselling author George R.R. Martin, this is the first volume of the definitive two-part history of the Targaryens in Westeros.
Centuries before the events of A Game of Thrones, House Targaryen - the only family of dragonlords to survive the Doom of Valyria - took up residence on Dragonstone. Fire and Blood begins their tale with the legendary Aegon the Conqueror, creator of the Iron Throne, and goes on to recount the generations of Targaryens who fought to hold that iconic seat, all the way up to the civil war that nearly tore their dynasty apart.
What really happened during the Dance of the Dragons? Why was it so deadly to visit Valyria after the Doom? What were Maegor the Cruel''s worst crimes? What was it like in Westeros when dragons ruled the skies? These are but a few of the questions answered in this essential chronicle, as related by a learned maester of the Citadel, and featuring more than eighty all-new black-and-white illustrations by artist Doug Wheatley.
With all the scope and grandeur of Gibbon''s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Fire and Blood is the ultimate game of thrones, giving readers a whole new appreciation for the dynamic, often bloody, and always fascinating history of Westeros. -
The thrilling history of the Targaryens comes to life in this masterly work by the author of A Song of Ice and Fire, the inspiration for HBOs Game of Thrones . With all the fire and fury fans have come to expect from internationally bestselling author George R. R. Martin , this is the first volume of the definitive two-part history of the Targaryens in Westeros. Centuries before the events of A Game of Thrones, House Targaryen--the only family of dragonlords to survive the Doom of Valyria--took up residence on Dragonstone. Fire & Blood begins their tale with the legendary Aegon the Conqueror, creator of the Iron Throne, and goes on to recount the generations of Targaryens who fought to hold that iconic seat, all the way up to the civil war that nearly tore their dynasty apart. What really happened during the Dance of the Dragons? Why was it so deadly to visit Valyria after the Doom? What were Maegor the Cruels worst crimes? What was it like in Westeros when dragons ruled the skies? These are but a few of the questions answered in this essential chronicle, as related by a learned maester of the Citadel and featuring more than eighty all-new black-and-white illustrations by artist Doug Wheatley. Readers have glimpsed small parts of this narrative in such volumes as The World of Ice & Fire, but now, for the first time, the full tapestry of Targaryen history is revealed. With all the scope and grandeur of Gibbons The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Fire & Blood is the ultimate game of thrones, giving readers a whole new appreciation for the dynamic, often bloody, and always fascinating history of Westeros. Includes a bonus PDF of illustrations from the book
George R R Martin
- Harper Collins Uk
- 15 Mars 2018
- 9780002247412
Song of ice & fire 01 game of thrones
George R R Martin
- Harper Collins Uk
- 26 Juin 2019
- 9780143479888
George R R Martin
- Bantam Books
- 4 Juillet 2023
- 9780593357866
Superheroes and villains do battle over the human heart in this delightful anthology featuring all-new stories from a wide range of contributors, all set in the Wild Cards universe, where an alien virus mutates some and grants superpowers to others, created by the #1 An alien virus ravages the world, its results as random as a hand of cards. Those infected either draw the black queen and die, draw an ace and receive superpowers, or draw the joker and are bizarrely mutated. Nevertheless, human nature reigns supreme. And one of the most enduring human drives is the search for love. Aces and jokers alike both want to find it, or have lost it...or perhaps just want to use it for personal gain.
Within these stories, you will find love, Wild Cardsstyle: crazy, unconventional, touching, strange, and oh-so-familiar. Among these stories are: